
Сontent continues after AD

Legend Piece script – (max stats)

Functions: max stats

Script developer: ego
Installation guide:
Copy the script from the button below.
Run any Injector (We recommend KRNL Injector)
Install it, insert the script and click execute
Enjoy it)

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Your script:

					local ohInstance1 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Data.Sword --change to Defense,Melee,DevilFruit|you need a sword/devilfruit to edit those values
local ohNumber2 = -1000
local ohNil3 = nil
local ohString4 = "ouifdhasdfnJNASDIFN_AIDFNnijsdifnNIFASND_FAIAasjddsfDJFSDN!)@NASD@nasdj!@*$#(jfd"

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Stats:FireServer(ohInstance1, ohNumber2, ohNil3, ohString4)
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